Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Low blood pressure

  Low blood pressure

 .Low blood pressure
About the disease and its definition: Blood pressure is the force that drives out the blood against the walls of the arteries. Each time the heart beats, pumping blood into the arteries. Have blood pressure as high as possible when the heart beats, pumping the blood. This name is called systolic pressure. When the heart is at rest, between the pulses, blood pressure drops. This is the diastolic pressure. Using a blood pressure reading of these two numbers. Both are important, and are usually writes over each other or next to each other, such as 120/80. A person has low blood pressure if their blood pressure reading was 90/60 or less. Low blood pressure normal blood pressure in adults is less than 120/80. Gets low blood pressure, or the lack of pressure, when blood pressure is less than 90/60 you get most forms of low blood pressure because the body is unable to return blood pressure to normal values​​, or can not do so quickly enough. There are multiple types of low blood pressure. Have people with low blood pressure always lack of pressure asymptomatic chronic. They do not have signs or symptoms usually do not require treatment. Low blood pressure is normal for them. Get other types of low blood pressure that the blood pressure suddenly dropped dramatically. The symptoms range from mild to severe. The three main types of low blood pressure are: orthostatic hypotension. Hypotension Baltoasit nervous. Hypotension associated with severe trauma. Symptoms include signs and symptoms of low blood pressure include: blurred vision. Mental confusion. Dizziness or light head. FATIGUE. Nausea. Drowsiness. Weakness. May feel that the person will develop faint or may actually fainted. The person must sit or lie down immediately if symptoms have appeared a lack of pressure. He has to put his feet in a higher level of his heart. And must be requested medical attention if symptoms and signs disappeared quickly. The person may lose consciousness that he had a low blood pressure due to shock. Trauma often be fatal if not treated immediately. The symptoms and signs of trauma, according to the other reason. When the amount of blood can cause low or poor pumping action of the heart shock, it will: the person starts breathing very quickly. Becomes weak and rapid pulse. The skin becomes cold and sweaty and The color blue or pale. The skin back to its natural color in case the pressure slower than usual. Show a network of blue lines under the skin. Cases cause or causes of the factors that limit the body's ability to regulate blood pressure, lack of blood pressure. For different types of low blood pressure for different reasons. For orthostatic hypotension lot of reasons. The reasons include: dehydration, or that the body loses more water than it gets. Pregnancy, and blood pressure back to normal which often after childbirth. Aging, where the body does not deal with the elderly blood pressure changes as efficient body younger. It can also raise certain medical conditions seriousness of orthostatic hypotension, such as: anemia. Central nervous system disorders, as juvenile Parkinson's disease. Endocrinotherapy cases, such as thyroid disorders, low blood sugar and diabetes. Cases of heart attack, such as heart attack and disease of the heart valves and heart rate is very low and heart failure. Severe infection. Can some drugs used to treat high blood pressure and heart disease that raises the seriousness of orthostatic hypotension. It may also increase drug use in some cases, such as anxiety, depression, erectile dysfunction and penile disorders of the central nervous system, the severity of orthostatic hypotension as well. And other materials can, when taken with high blood pressure medicines, happens hypotension Baltoasit nervous when they do not continue to the brain and heart with each other correctly. In hypotension Baltoasit nervous system, the body tells the brain that the wrong blood pressure is high, Phippte the brain in response to the speed of the heart. This makes the blood pressure decreases, causing dizziness and other symptoms. The factors that can cause many cases a lack of intense pressure associated with the trauma. Some include the: heart attack, or pulmonary embolism, or irregular heart beat. A significant reduction in the ability of the heart to pump blood. A major loss of blood or fluid from the body. Certain severe infections. It may also cause sudden and severe relaxation of the arteries associated with a decrease in blood pressure was shocked. This may occur because of: reaction to certain medications. Severe allergic reaction, called "anaphylactic shock." Severe head injury. Hepatic failure. Poisoning. Adjust low blood pressure Treatment depends on the type of low blood pressure and the severity of symptoms. The goal of treatment is to restore blood pressure to normal limits to relieve symptoms. Another goal is to measure any case dente cause low blood pressure. When a person healthy, low blood pressure without signs and symptoms are usually not a problem, and does not need treatment. There are many treatments for orthostatic hypotension. Has advised health care provider in the event of injury that situation to make changes in lifestyle, such as: reduction of alcohol or abstain. Drink plenty of fluids. Advancement slowly. Other lifestyle changes are: eat small meals low carbohydrate in case of injury following a lack of blood pressure to eat. Not Massalbh two men during the sit. Massalbh the two men may affect blood flow. Slow increase in time if the patient is sitting frozen for a long time due to a medical condition. Can talk with your doctor about the use of compression stockings. Those socks apply pressure on the bottom of the two men, and helps to move the blood pressure throughout the body. There may be a need in the event of deficiency blood pressure Baltoasit nervous to make changes in lifestyle. They include: avoid situations that induce symptoms, such as standing for long periods. Drink plenty of fluids. Increased salt intake, according to tips health care provider. Learn to know the symptoms that occur before the injury faint, and to take action to raise the blood pressure

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